ARISS Invites Proposals to Host Amateur Radio Contacts with Space Station Crew

Some SBARC members have asked me about how to get involved with Amateur Radio on the International Space Station.  The application deadline for 2018 ARISS contacts is November 15, 2017.
– Levi K6LCM, ARISS U.S. Education Committee



The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program is seeking proposals from US schools, museums, science centers, and community youth organizations to host Amateur Radio contacts in 2018 with a crew member aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The deadline to submit proposals is November 15. Contacts would be scheduled between July 1 and December 31, 2018.

Each year, ARISS provides tens of thousands of students with opportunities to learn about space technologies and space communication via Amateur Radio. The program provides learning opportunities by connecting students to astronauts aboard the ISS through a partnership that includes NASA, ARRL, AMSAT, and worldwide space agencies. The program’s goal is to inspire students worldwide to pursue interests and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through Amateur Radio.

“Educators have overwhelmingly reported that student participation in the ARISS program inspires an interest in STEM subjects and careers,” ARISS said in announcing the proposal window. “Ninety-two percent of educators who have participated in the program have indicated that ARISS provided ideas for encouraging student exploration, discussion, and participation, while 78% said that ARISS was effective in stimulating student interest in STEM.”

ARISS is looking for contact hosts that will draw large numbers of participants and integrate the contact into a well-developed education plan. Students can learn about satellite communications, wireless technology, science research conducted on the space station, what it is like to work in space, radio science, and any related STEM subject. Students learn to use Amateur Radio to talk directly to an astronaut and ask their STEM-related questions.

ARISS will help educational organizations to locate Amateur Radio groups that can assist with equipment. Proposal webinars for guidance and answers to proposal questions will be offered September 21, at 7 PM EDT (2300 UTC) and September 25 at 4 PM EDT (2000 UTC). Advance registration is necessary.

The ARISS website has additional details on expectations, proposal guidelines, and the proposal form.

Post expires at 9:09pm on Tuesday November 14th, 2017 but will still be available in the archives.

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About K6LCM

Levi is an Extra Class licensee and the K6TZ FCC license trustee. He is a member of the SBARC Board of Directors and a Volunteer Examiner.

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