Membership Information

Membership in the Club is open to all persons interested in promoting Amateur Radio.

If you are interested in joining the club, please attend one of our meetings or events or join or renew online.

Full Member Any FCC licensed radio amateur 18 years of age or older.
Associate Member Any person who is not a FCC licensed radio amateur.

Annual dues are $35 per year, and various payment methods and terms are available. Delinquent and/or inactive members can pay full annual dues to be reinstated.

Changes or Updates:

If you want to change your mailing address, email address, phone number, please update that information in your account. It is important to keep your email address current, as this is how we send out membership information, including meeting and renewal notices.

Member Benefits:

SBARC List Server – SBARC has a list server. If you wish to subscribe, go to the SBARC Listserv Page and follow the instructions. If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list, e.g. if you have trouble unsubscribing or have questions about the list itself, please contact us.

SBARC Web Site – The web site contains general information of interest to members of SBARC. Please contact us regarding alterations, amendments, announcements, bulletins, changes, corrections, embellishments, enhancements, improvements, inquiries, modifications, recommendations, or updates pertaining the site.

3 Responses to Membership Information

  1. says:

    How do I find out when my membership expires. I want to be sure that am paid up but don’t know when to renew.
    Thank you.
    Rick Hibbs, W6OMX

    • K6BPMK6BPM says:

      Hi Rick, You just renewed on January 4th. So you’re good until next year. Your renewal date is displayed on the upper right corner of all website pages, right above where you log in.

      Brian – K6BPM

  2. AE6EGAE6EG says:

    Trying to reach Jimmy Severson! Need phone number! Jim Smart 760-401-2166

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