Great Discussion Today on Morning Net

We had a great discussion with Brian, K6BPM and Levi, K6LCM, the creators of the new SBARC Web site project and this new site.  If you have any questions about the site, register for an account on the right side of the site and then login to post your comment on this post.

Join us on the air every morning from 7am-8:30 on 146.79 – Pl 131.8.

Post expires at 11:59pm on Tuesday January 27th, 2015 but will still be available in the archives.

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About K6LCM

Levi is an Extra Class licensee and the K6TZ FCC license trustee. He is a member of the SBARC Board of Directors and a Volunteer Examiner.

6 Responses to Great Discussion Today on Morning Net

  1. K6BPMK6BPM says:

    It sure was. Join us again on Thursday as we continue the discussion!

  2. K6HMDK6HMD says:

    My hands are typing words! If you can read this you don’t need glasses. Of course if you’re wearing glasses already the prior statement is obviously not entirely true.

    Dennis you need to upload a photo for your avatar. I’m reasonable sure you don’t look like a triangular thing with sharp teeth. i could be wrong but I don’t think I am.

  3. kk6yyzkk6yyz says:

    Thats the great thing about avatars….you can make them anything you want them to be!

  4. K6BPMK6BPM says:

    Well, I took it upon myself to give Dennis an avatar that is a little more representative of his actual appearance! We can’t let him go on with an avatar that will scare everyone.

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