Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net – Thursday July 30th 2015

The time stamps below are best followed by downloading the Mp3 file for the appropriate date here and listening with Windows Media Player.

Tonight’s net was informative as usual with 7 check-ins plus “Shackmaster” Dave (K6HWN) as net control and 8 chat room participants. Questions included:

00:11:40 – Dave (K6HWN) “Shackmaster” started things off with discussion about the white papers written by EYV (full call unknown at this time). They are currently on loan to the club station and can be read there and they will also be available on soon. Some of the material covered in the papers and Dave’ s discussion tonight involves “mixing”. In ordinary free space everything is linear which means that everything is proportional, if you double X you’ll double the consequences and everything can exist simultaneously. All electromagnetic waves like radio waves of all frequencies just exist simultaneously and their electric fields may add at the moment if they’re near each other, but there’s absolutely no interference or “mixing”. It’s just the slightest bit of non-linearity (things don’t always double) then you get the very important properties of mixing, heterodyning and so on. This is a fascinating discussion, please take the time to listen to the recording for 7/30/2015 here.

00:25:22 – Brian (K6BPM) talks about helping the community at Rancho Santa Barbara (a mobile home park) and it’s 300 some residences there to have emergency communications using the GMRS (General Mobile Radio System) repeater at the K6TZ site on La Vigia. Brian was testing the site for the best reception areas with different antennas on radios in the 460 MHz range. Discussion also includes general information about the GMRS system. Listen to the recording for 7/30/2015 here.

00:54:40 Brian (K6BPM) related the SBARC chat room discussion going on related to a bug found in the Signalink and certain Kenwood and ICOM radios. When operating digital modes such as JT65 it was found that a certain chip used was clipping the received signal thereby reducing the number of decodes on might receive. There is a fix for this bug and you can learn about it by listening to the recording for 7/30/2015 here.

Tune in to the SBARC Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net next Thursday at 8:00 PM or 2000 Hrs  and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the Technical Mentoring and Elmering net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

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