Operators Badly Needed for Carpinteria Triathlon

Operators are badly needed for the Carpinteria Triathlon on Saturday September 26th 2015. We will be using our local 2m repeaters. Please help if you can. We currently have less than half of the operators we need, so your help will be greatly appreciated. Contact Rick KG6VLB by email at rickwhtr@cox.net or if necessary, by phone at 964-5440. Post expires at 8:09pm on Saturday September 26th, 2015 but will still be available in the archives.

Lots of HT Radios for Sale on Swap Net

There is a listing for 10 or so HT radios of various kinds on Swap Net. This is an unusual listing and is a good opportunity to pick up a good quality HT at a reasonable price. These are all Yaesu, Wouxun, Alinco and Icom HT radios. The direct link to the listing is here: http://www.sbarc.org/2015/09/08/for-sale-yaesu-wouxun-alinco-and-icom-ht-radios//?wcz Post expires at 7:38am on Monday September 21st, 2015 but will still be available in the archives.

General Club Meeting – September 18, 2015

We will have as our guest speaker Dick Norton, N6AA, our ARRL Southwestern Division Director. Dick will be speaking on the latest activities of the American Radio Relay League and how they influence our lives as hams. He will most likely touch on the Amateur Radio Parity Act and how we still need to contact our Congressperson Lois Capps and both of our Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and push for them to sign on as supporters of their respective bills in the House and the Senate. Dick may touch upon the contest for the Santa Barbara Section Manager between our present Manager Rob Griffin, K6YR, of San Luis Obispo and Jim Fortney, K6IYK, of Camarillo, who has been a friend of our Club for many years. The ballots will arrive in early October in the mail boxes of ARRL members. The highlight of the Club meeting will be the video presentation of President Jay’s dearly departed best friend in the world Winnie, KA6OFZ, SK, teaching her fourth grade class about Amateur Radio and had arranged for them to actually converse with Astronauts passing overhead aboard the International Space Station. A thrill for all the students, their parents, Astronauts and SBARC members was felt at that happening which was caught on this video which was put together by Jay, WA6RDV, and edited by Rod, WB9KMO. Post expires at 1:00am on Saturday September 19th, 2015 but will still be available in the archives.

Operators Needed For Ventura County Events

UPDATE #2 – Ventura County still needs one operator for the Ortega Ridge station. The approximate time frame is 0700 hours to 1100 hours. Please help if you can! UPDATE – Ventura County especially needs operators on Saturday September 12th to provide communications at the Rincon, Shoreline, and Sandpiper aid stations. They will be using only the WB6OBB 147.000 repeater. Ventura County needs radio operators for two big events coming up on Saturday, September 12th, and Sunday, September 13th. The Saturday event extends up to the Santa Barbara County line. Contact Stewart, KG6BOV@arrl.net. Ventura County has sent operators up to help us on many occasions so let’s send some down there to help them out! Post expires at 8:00pm on Sunday September 13th, 2015 but will still be available in the archives.

Rover Will be Fully Deployed at Club Station

The rover will be fully deployed in the parking lot at the club station on Saturday September 12th with the mast fully extended and the repeater active. Come in and see how it works and try out the repeater. There will also be free pizza courtesy of SBARC between 11am and 1pm after the VE session. Hope to see you there! Post expires at 1:30pm on Saturday September 12th, 2015 but will still be available in the archives.

ARRL Elections Coming Up This Fall

Members of the ARRL are encouraged to make sure their membership dues are up-to-date, and make sure the ARRL has your correct contact information. Elections are coming up later this fall. All ARRL members are eligible to vote and will receive ballots. For the first time in 20 years, the election for the Santa Barbara Section Manager position will be contested. Our current Section Manager, Robert Griffin K6YR, has run unopposed since 1996. This year he will be challenged for his seat by Jim Fortney, K6IYK. Official ballots will be mailed from ARRL HQ on October 1st to ARRL members residing in the Santa Barbara Section that are paid up as of September 4th. Ballots need to be returned by November 20. HQ counts and results will be announced shortly thereafter. The new term begins January 1. Please make sure your voice will be heard at election time. And, if you are not a member of ARRL, or your membership has lapsed, please consider joining (or re-joining).  Visit http://www.arrl.org/membership for more information. Post expires at 7:16am on Sunday November 15th, 2015 but will still be available in the archives.

ARRL Message Regarding the Amateur Radio Parity Act (HR-1301)

Dear fellow ARRL members, It’s crunch time.  To date, your elected Member of Congress, Representative Lois Capps, has not yet joined the growing list of supporters of the Amateur Radio Parity Act (HR-1301).  This bill would extend the “reasonable accommodation” provision of PRB-1 to Hams living under private deed restrictions.  We expect some pushback from the opposition after the House of Representatives comes back from vacation after Labor Day.  Now is the time to get out in front of the effort.  I am writing to you directly because only you, a constituent of Representative Capps, can email and call her office to put the pressure on.  All you need to do is say: “I am a constituent and a federally licensed Amateur Radio Operator.  I Support HR-1301, the Amateur Radio Parity Act, and I am asking that Congresswoman Capps support HR-1301 as well.” You can send an e-mail to Rep. Capps here:  https://capps.house.gov/contact-me/email-me Enter your zip code and follow the prompts.  Fill in the form, and either write what I’ve suggested or write whatever moves you. Please also call one of her District Offices to say the same thing: Santa Barbara: (805) 730-1710 San Luis Obispo: (805) 546-8348 Santa Maria: (805) 349-3832 Your emails and phone calls will help convince your Representative to support HR-1301.  ARRL has teams visiting Capitol Hill, but it’s your calls, e-mails and letters that open the door.  WE NEED YOU TO BECOME PART OF THE PROCESS if you haven’t done so already. Please send these emails and make phone calls even if you have already written to your Congressman about the bill.  Let’s work together to get these folks to support us.  Let’s do it today.  If you have not written your representative yet, we can generate a letter for your signature at the ARRL Southwestern Division Convention on September 11-12-13 at the Torrance Marriott.  Even if you can’t stay for the whole convention, please come by to get your ready-to-sign letter.  We’ll even arrange to have it hand-delivered to your representative’s office in Washington DC.  If you can’t come to Torrance, you can download a sample letter at http://www.arrl.org/amateur-radio-parity-act .  Customize it if you can, and send it to ARRL, Attn: HR 1301 Grassroots campaign, 225 Main St., Newington CT 06111.  Headquarters staff will arrange for hand-delivery to Rep. Capps’ Washington DC office. We will contact our members soon in a separate message regarding… Continue reading