Newlove Picnic Grounds, Orcutt Hill GPS: 34˚ 50’ 40.6 ” N, 120˚ 22’ 42.8 ”
Turn off Hwy 101 southbound 1.8 mi. south of Clark Ave., Orcutt. (Just past yellow sign).
Admission & Parking: FREE
Talk-in: 145.14 (-) PL131.8
Hours: 9:00 AM, till 3:00 PM
Prize drawing 12 Noon, tickets: $1 each at the fest
Swap Tables Available $20.00, Tailgate sellers welcome $20.00: (limited number)
HF station you can use. Stop by, make a contact or two. Technicians, try out HF.
T-hunt if available, TBD: On-foot
It has become a tradition that SBARC members have breakfast together at Ellen’s Restaurant in Buellton before going up to the SARC Swapfest. Come join us.
Will there be a swap fest this year or has it already happened? Thanks.