Keeping the Rover Ready for Use


Bob KB6CTX checking the voltage level


Ken KA6KEN and Tom N6YX checking out the Rover










This Saturday was pizza day at the shack, but the rover got a little attention too. The backup batteries were getting old and would not hold much of a charge so they were replaced by Tom N6YX, Bob KB6CTX and Ken KA6KEN.

By the way, Bob is our “Rovermaster” and Makes sure everything is kept in good repair. The Rover is fully equipped to handle emergency communications any time it might be needed. It carries an onboard repeater, antenna mast, an HF radio, VHF and UHF radios, and plenty of gear to rig up whatever might be needed. Come on down for pizza on the second Saturday of the month and take a tour of the Rover. It’s impressive capabilities rival anyone’s home shack. And it’s totally mobile and self sufficient.


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About Brian K6BPM

President, Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club 2016-Present

One Response to Keeping the Rover Ready for Use

  1. K6WWOK6WWO says:

    Sorry I couldn’t make it Saturday. Still working on my roof replacement.
    Good job on giving the Rover some TCL


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