Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net April, 23 2015

Yet another successful net last Thursday night (4/23/15) with 11 check-ins plus net control (K6HWN). The net began with Jim (KK6SXB) asking if and how he could interface his HT with his computer. It seems that Jim has been having trouble de-linking the 224.08 repeater with his Wouxun HT and was thinking of a work around that might work. Brian (K6BPM) had a couple of ideas and I suggested purchasing a 1.25 M mobile radio with more power and using it as a base station from home. You can review the audio here.

Next Garrett (KJ6RQ) wondered if there antennas or if you can design ones to radiate a certain way depending on terrain, propagation, etc. Shackmaster Dave (K6HWN) started the ball rolling explaining general classifications of VHF antennas in that they are almost always omnidirectional (horizontally) or directional as in your classic Yagi. The conversation evolved into types of antennas and how the number of wavelengths effect the gain of the antenna, antenna modeling, etc. You can review the audio here.

Tune in to the SBARC Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net next Thursday at 0800 and see what interesting questions will arise or ask some of your own! All club members and visitors are encouraged to check in to the Technical Mentoring and Elmering net each week and join in with questions and /or answers to and contribute the knowledge of new and seasoned amateur radio operators alike.

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