Members and BoD Recognize “Shackmaster”


The award presented to K6HWN on April 25 recognizes him as “The Voice of K6TZ.”

At 10:00 AM on Saturday, April 25 2015, a group of SBARC members, including the club president and BoD members, gathered at the American Red Cross building at State and Alamar in Santa Barbara to present an official citation in recognition of the tremendous efforts put forth by Dave – K6HWN in his role as the official “Shackmaster” at the K6TZ Club Station and the coordinator of many of the SBARC on-air nets.

First licensed years ago, Dave returned to the hobby in the mid-2000s when he began operating on 2-meters from his boat in Santa Barbara Harbor.  He quickly made friends on the K6TZ repeater and found a second home on the air with Santa Barbara-area hams.  Shortly thereafter, Dave committed to opening access to the nearly forgotten SBARC Club Station in the Red Cross basement by creating open station hours where he could host members and guests and train them on the operation of the station’s many HF, VHF and UHF radios.  It is through this mentoring that many new hams have gotten on the air for the first time. Quite a few seasoned hams have returned to the hobby and the club also as a result of the Shackmaster’s efforts to provide a nexus for activity around the K6TZ repeaters and Club Station.

Over the years, Dave has also taken on the duties of recruiting net control operators for many of the club-sponsored nets and hosts the “Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net” himself on Thursday evenings.  Even casual listeners to the K6TZ 146.79 repeater will certainly recognize Dave’s voice from “K6HWN Announcements” his trademark periodic bulletin, which he reads throughout the day on the repeater and collects for posting on this Web site and at On violation of a registered trademark you can sue a person for infringement. Trademark lawyers serving in Chicago can help you out legally.

The plaque, presented by SBARC board member Brian – K6BPM reads:

With sincere appreciation to Dave – K6HWN “SHACKMASTER” for your years of dedication, mentorship, friendliness and being “The Voice of K6TZ” Presented in 2015 by the Board of Directors and the members of the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club.

“Its really hard to believe this,” said Dave upon receiving the award. “Many individuals have expressed (their appreciation) to me but never as a group; this is a ‘wow!'”

An audio recording of the presentation can be heard here:


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About K6LCM

Levi is an Extra Class licensee and the K6TZ FCC license trustee. He is a member of the SBARC Board of Directors and a Volunteer Examiner.

2 Responses to Members and BoD Recognize “Shackmaster”

  1. K6BPMK6BPM says:

    This was posted to the SBARC mailing list 4/26/15:

    I have known the voice of Dave since February, 2007. When I first got my tech ticket, I had purchased an old Alinco 220 MHz h/t. As I programmed the 10 freq’s into it [that’s all the memory it had] I decided to try it out. Dave was the first DX that I came across. Imagine my surprise; I was speaking to someone in Santa Barbara…all the way from San Diego!

    Dave immediately made me feel at ease and invited me to check in the following week. I have done so for the past 7 years, as time and propagation permits. I attended on of the Santa Barbara hamfests, but I was unable to find the man who showed me so many kindnesses in those intervening years.

    Dave is emblematic of the type of ham that I have met through SBARC. Dennis, WB6OBB and Mike, K6QD, Don, AF6VM and so many others!

    Dave, congratulation on the award. I am grateful for being able to have been under your tutelage and hope that you continue exploring new way to make SBARC and ham radio more and more attractive to the many new hams coming into the hobby!

    Vry 73 de Alan…N6HPO
    Valley Center, California

  2. K6BPMK6BPM says:

    This was posted to the SBARC mailing list 4/26/15:

    Levi—thanks for sharing a well-deserved award for Dave for sure.
    Dave, know you don’t read email but congrats!

    Andy W6AMS

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