Slate of Candidates for 2023

This year I appointed 3 members to serve on the nominating committee. The 3 members were Dave – AI6VX, Doc – W6EW, and Tom – N6YX. They completed their mission and presented a slate of nominees at the last board meeting. I want to thank Dave, Doc and Tom for volunteering for this important function.

The slate of nominees for 2023 are as follows:

Brian Milburn K6BPM President / CEO
Larry Martinez WA6MVJ Secretary
Tom Saunders N6YX Treasurer / CFO
Levi Maaia K6LCM Director at Large
Dave Schmidt AI6VX Director at Large
Wayne Beckman AF6GX Director at Large
Mike Wapner K6QD Director at Large
Matt Lechliter W6XC Director at Large

We will officially be opening additional nominations for all positions at the October 21 2022 meeting. Any member in good standing can nominate another member in good standing for any elected position above. A member in good standing is any member who is paid up on their dues. Additionally, a nominee must be a member in good standing for the period of 28 days prior to the election. This year, that day is October 21, 2022.

This year we will be allowing on-line voting, mail in voting, and in-person voting. As such, there are various cutoff dates we need to set so that we can do all our work behind the scenes. Here is the schedule:

  • October 21 – Open nominations from the floor at meeting.
  • November 6 – Nominations from the floor close at midnight.
  • November 10 – Mail-in and online voting begins at midnight.
  • November 16 – Mail-in and Online ballots close at midnight.
  • November 18 – Election night – In-person voting, tallying, etc.

There is also a bylaws change proposal on the ballot this year. The bylaw changes mostly involve the way we now handle the membership system, and the way we pay bills and expenses. Normal procedures such as auto-pay, credit card and debit card purchases, were never addressed in the current Bylaws, however it is the way we pay most bills and expenses. The proposed changes merely bring the Bylaws up-to-date with the times.

You can view the proposed changes here:

Brian – K6BPM
President, Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club

Post expires at 7:51pm on Sunday November 20th, 2022 but will still be available in the archives.

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About Brian K6BPM

President, Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club 2016-Present

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